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  • Yazarın fotoğrafıAli Orhan Yalcinkaya


konu şarap tadımı olunca özgür "sideways" filmini tek geçerim, bir pazar şarap eşliğinde öyle yumuşak içimli gider ki değmeyin keyfinize deyip filmden en beğendi repliği göndermiş:

maya: you know, can i ask you a personal question, miles?

miles raymond: sure.

maya: why are you so in to pinot?

miles raymond: [laughs softly]

maya: i mean, it's like a thing with you.

miles raymond: [continues laughing softly]

miles raymond: uh, i don't know, i don't know. um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know. right? it's uh, it's thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. it's, you know, it's not a survivor like cabernet, which can just grow anywhere and uh, thrive even when it's neglected. no, pinot needs constant care and attention. you know? and in fact it can only grow in these really specific, little, tucked away corners of the world. and, and only the most patient and nurturing of growers can do it, really. only somebody who really takes the time to understand pinot's potential can then coax it into its fullest expression. then, i mean, oh its flavors, they're just the most haunting and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and... ancient on the planet.

altyazısı şöyle:

özgür: ben bir pinot noir'im...dünyada akla değer veren yok madem, bazen aklı az olanın parası çok madem, getirin şu şarabı alsın aklımızı, belki de böyle beğenir bizi elalem.

tabii alt metin böyle olunca senaryoya ekleme yapmak şart oldu:

ramiz dayı: geç şöyle otur yeğenim

özgür: oturmicam

ramiz dayı: deli deli olma

meliha: hayırdır inşallah hayırdır inşallah, gitti kızın aklı

behlül: şarabına ilaç mı attın?

nuri alço: özümde iyi birisiyim

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